Career TESTS

It is highly recommended that you complete some self-assessment in areas including Career Tests, Values, Personality Assessment Skills and Aptitudes.  This knowledge will assist you in making better decisions.  

In the tests we use there are 4 main assessments and 6 aptitude tests. The Personality, Interests, Values and Skills assessments are untimed but normally these would be completed in approximately 1 hour. The six aptitude tests are all timed tests and once you start the test the clock starts to tick and automatically cuts out when the time is up. There are detailed instructions and examples given at the beginning of the aptitude tests. It is important to read the instructions carefully and do the examples before commencing the aptitude tests. You can take a break after each aptitude test or you can complete all in the one sitting. We would recommend that the assessments are completed in a minimum of 2 sittings. i.e. Personality, Skills, Values & Interests in one sitting (1 hour approximately) and the 6 Aptitude tests in a second sitting (approximately 1 hour).  

The cost of the full Career Interest Inventory and qualified feedback is €80.  If you wish to proceed with this option please contact me.  I will send you a link with a password.  

There are also many free options, including: